
Version 5.5 (March 20th, 2021)

  • Because of a bug in iOS 14 very large and deep threads could not be read properly anymore. So articles of the groups could not be accessed anymore. The new release will include a workaround for this iOS 14 issue, so articles should no longer get lost. There was no such problem under iOS 13 or older.

Version 5.4.1 (January 5th, 2020)

  • Fixes an issue with the keyboard which is sometimes covering the text when editing postings.

Version 5.4 (December 29th, 2019)

  • Adds support for the dark mode of iOS 13
  • Fixes a rare crash when processing links in postings

Version 5.3.4 (May 2nd, 2019)

  • There are a few usenet servers which send the groups list in an invalid or malformed format. NewsTap is now able to get the groups list from these servers as well.
  • Fixes an issue where additional text could be interpreted as link, if the link was not delimited properly.

Version 5.3.3 (November 13th, 2018)

  • Fixes an issue when trying to save a photo into the album

Version 5.3.2 (November 2nd, 2018)

  • Added support for new iPhones (XS, XS Max, XR)

Version 5.3.1 (November 27th, 2017)

  • Fixes several glitches in the User Interface on an iPad running iOS 11

Version 5.3 (November 19th, 2017)

  • Support for the new iPhone X added.
  • Solves a few issues under iOS 11
  • When writing a new article the text editor will now use the font size that is configured in the settings

Version 5.2.6 (March 2nd, 2017)

  • Fixes an issue when syncing the newsrc file if the clock of server and device are too far apart.

Version 5.2.5 (February 23th, 2017)

  • Fixes an issue with the read counter when syncing with multiple servers.
  • Certain malformed UU-encoded binaries can be decoded now as well.

Version 5.2.2 (January 5th, 2017)

  • Fixes an issue with the attachments of articles which use a certain Chinese text encodings.
  • Supports a lot of old DOS text encodings as well, on order to read articles from old Usenet archives.

Version 5.2.1 (October 25th, 2016)

  • Fixes an issue with the Dropbox sync.

Version 5.2 (October 19th, 2016)

  • Fixes an issue where the App could crash when messages contain invalid or damaged references information.

Version 5.1.8 (April 19th, 2016)

  • Solves an issue with invalid MIME formatting in articles
  • Solves a scrolling issue when writing articles on the iPhone
  • New option to use larger fonts.

Version 5.1.5 (January 20th, 2016)

  • Solves an issue under iOS 9.2 on the iPad where the article view would become slower over time

Version 5.1.3 (January 13th, 2016)

  • Fixes an issue when an articles includes a corrupt or invalid "References" header. This could result in articles not being included in a thread correctly.
  • Fixes an issue with parsing "yEnc" encoded data which could result in the App "hanging"
  • Fixes a few minor issues

Version 5.1.2 (December 8th, 2015)

  • The App can now also load messages which do not follow the standards to encode the header lines. You need to set the correct text encoding in the settings before you can load these messages.

Version 5.1.1 (December 4th, 2015)

  • When sending attachments, it's not possible to send then "UU-encoded" or "Base64-encoded"
  • Fixes an issue wenn sending attachments

Version 5.1 (October 16th, 2015)

  • On the iPad there's a new setting "2-column navigation" available. When enabled the navigation within the threads and articles will no longer use three columns (groups, threads, articles) but instead two (groups, and another where either the thread or the articles are shown). Especially when using the iPad in portrait orientation, this makes sure that the columns won't get too narrow.
  • There are a few new filter options available. It is now possible to create a filter that marks all articles written by the user, and there's a new filter type available which marks all replies to the articles of the user (including replies to these replies - which means the whole subthread)
  • ROT13 is now also available when writing a new article. This option is available in the "quotes" menu after selecting some text within the article editor window.
  • Articles where the line breaks are encoded in the wrong way where not formatted correctly.
  • Bugfix: when creating new articles on the iPad using the icon at the left, the articles were never sent.
  • Bugfix: navigating across thread boundaries did not always work with certain sort orders.
  • Bugfix: automatically deleting read articles while connecting to the server could also close the currently displayed article.
  • Bugfix: if a new server was added by importing a newsrc file, the grups list for this server could be loded more than once
  • Bugfix: several smaller fixes in the user interface
  • Bugfix: better handling of "unusual" server responses

Version 5.0 (September 26th, 2015)

  • Compatibility for iOS 9
  • Supports the new "Split View" mode of iOS 9 for the newer iPad models.
  • Supports binary data (posting and receiving)
  • The full "tree view" of a discussion thread is available on the iPhone as well
  • newsrc sync is available via iCloud, SFTP, WebDAV or Dropbox

Version 4.0 (December 7th, 2012)

  • Support for the new screen resolutions of the new iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5 added.
  • Supports posting in multiple groups at the same time (Crossposts)
  • Supports Followup-To headers.
  • iCloud support allows to sync favorites, settings, group subscriptions and the read/unread states between multiple instances of NewsTap on different devices.
  • A new way to hide or show a quote is to simply tap on it.
  • Fixes an issue with decoding certain text encodings in articles in "quoted-printable" format.
  • Solves a few issues under iOS 6.

Version 3.5.5 (March 18th, 2012)

  • Fixes an issue under iOS 5.1 on the iPad, where the view for writing a new posting or reply was party hidden by the keyboard
  • Adds high-resolution icons for the new iPad

Version 3.5 (November 11th, 2011)

  • Support for iOS 5
  • The badge on the App icon with the number of unread articles can be switched off
  • Custom Headers can be now added to the postings (like the X-No-Archive header).
  • On the iPad you can now select between a two-column layout or the old layout with three sections.
  • The "Lite" version is now also available for the iPad

Version 3.2 (December 12th, 2010)

  • Support for the "Print" feature of iOS 4.2 so you can now print postings.
  • When switching to another App while writing a new posting under iOS 4, the posting will be now saved automatically, so it doesn't get lost anymore when NewsTap is terminated while it is in the background.
  • Fixes an issue when sending a follow-up to a posting where the quoting uses hard-coded line breaks and the standard maximum line length was already reached.
  • Fixes an issue with links which are split up by line breaks

Version 3.1 (July 18th, 2010)

  • iOS4 support: Download of articles can be done while the App is in the background
  • Filters can be now also used to filter (sub-)threads.
  • Fixed an issue with HTML postings whoch are also base64 encoded.

Version 3.0 (May 25th, 2010)

  • NewsTap is now a Universal App and includes optimized user interfaces for iPhone/iPod Touch and the iPad
  • On the iPad the complete thread can be displayed as tree.
  • ROT13 support when writing new articles.
  • Bugfix: When creating new postings (not follow-ups) the signature was not added automatically.

Version 2.1 (February 24th, 2010)

  • When loading very large group lists from the server, NewsTap could run out of memory
  • The email link in the support help page didn't work correctly
  • Bugfix for multipart messages wjere the text part is encoded with "quoted-printable"

Version 2.0 (February 2nd, 2010)

  • Support for multiple servers implemented
  • Artciles can be saved as favorites
  • Improved user interface
  • It's now possible to load the headers only (can be configured individually for each group). The articles will then be loaded only when necessary (when opening them for reading)
  • Croatian translation included (thanks to Alen Bajo).
  • Export/Import of settings and newsrc files is now done via Web Browser on your Mac/PC, so this feature is now completely independant of the operating system.
  • ROT13 is supported now.
  • All downloads will be now done in the background. You don't need to wait any more until the downloads are finished.

Version 1.6 (August 19th, 2009)

  • Hiding/unhiding the read articles was not possible within the article list when Thread grouping was enabled.
  • Saving images didn't always work when multiple images were embedded in one article
  • Encrypted SSL connections are now also supported.

Version 1.5

  • Added a build-in web browser to be able to open links in artciles within the app.
  • Now, groups can be also added manually into the "All Groups" list.
  • Added a search feature (search within groups/threads and within articles)
  • New setting for the sort order

Version 1.4

  • It's possible to switch off the autorotation
  • Workaround fpr the GigaNews server implemented
  • New setting to sort the articles (by subject or date)

Version 1.3

  • The tabs "Groups" and "Outgoing" will be now disabled while artciles are loaded.
  • Bugfix: If the user quit the app while writing a new article/posting, the unfinished article was lost.
  • Reduced the memory usage for exporting/importing newsrc files.
  • While responding an article via private mail it's now possible to add the article as quote into the mail.
  • Added some workarounds for buggy usenet servers.
  • New ways implemented to shorten the quoted article when writing a follow-up article.

Version 1.2

  • Restructured the build-in help
  • Added filters fo articles.
  • New setting for the default text encoding
  • Articles can be now grouped by threads
  • Aborting the server connection is now much faster.
  • Optimized the loading of the articles.

Version 1.1

  • New button added in the navigation panel to delete all articles of an auther
  • Bugfix for the encoding ISO-2022-JP which caused some problems in combination with "flowed" formatted articles.
  • In case quoted-printable encoded headers which were declared as UTF8 encoded were not UTF8 encoded, NewsTab will try other encodings as well.
  • Importing newsrc files didn't work for files larger than 4 KB.
  • Workaround for News servers implemented, which require name and password but never ask for name and password.
  • Workaround for the TerraNews server implemented.
  • Debug Console implemented

Version 1.0

  • First public release.