- What does the name "Direkto" mean?
- "Direkto" is Esperanto and means "direction".
- Why doesn't the compass rotate when the device is rotated?
- If this happens you might have either not given the App the permission to use the location services (you can change this in the system settings in the Direkto settings or under "Privacy > Location Services"), or the compass hardware is unable to measure the magnetic field of the earth because there are strong magnets nearby. In case you're using a cover for your iPhone or iPad which uses magnets, these can cause such issues. In this case you may use the device without the cover.
- Why did you develop the App, especially because there are already Compass available in the AppStore?
- I was searching for Apps which would use the Dynamic Island of an iPhone 14 Pro for interesting and useful things. A Compass would be one of these things, an App which can show the direction to any other location. And because I could not find one, Direkto was developed. It started as an App which just showed the a compass in the Dynamic Island but soon got many other useful features.